Koalas in danger of extinction ?

The situation of koalas in Australia is worrisome and the scientists of the continent make a point of honor to emphasize the alarming report that they have just made: the koalas are disappearing really fast.

Symbol of Australia, with the kangaroo among others, the koala are living  a dark period. In some parts of Australia, 80% of them have disappeared in the last ten years. Clive McAlpine, a doctor of ecology at the University of Queensland, found that Australia had only 50,000 to 100,000 koalas left , while there were hundreds of thousands more than a ten years ago.

 The reasons given are obvious: urbanization, industrialization and agricultural practices have led to the destruction of natural habitats in which koalas used to live. To this, must be added the changes that have led to the development of diseases, including chlamydia, a major problem for the koalas.

In addition to environmental transformations, koalas also have to deal with climate change. Highly sensitive to warm weather , which they can not tolerate, koalas could quickly become dehydrated if they had to live several days at temperatures exceeding 30 ° C. Eating exclusively eucalyptus, to drink as to eat it can be very dangerous for them if this type of tree runs out.

 However, with the new climatic  that Australia knows, nothing is less certain ... More and more forced to take refuge near the coastal areas where they find water but also houses, cars and new predators like dogs, koalas are thus confronted with dangers that they do not control. Worried about the survival of the species, Australian scientists wanted to alert the authorities to allow koalas to benefit from specific protection.


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